11 journaling prompts for busting through fear by Sarah Jensen

Ahhh that old chestnut… Fear.

No matter how many times you feel like you’ve busted through the mindset minefield of fear, up she pops again.

When you do something new.

When you step outside your comfort zone.

When you go for your goals.

Up pops fear, trying to hold you back and, granted, keep you safe but also keep you playing small.

So if fear is coming up for you in your life or business right now, I invite you to grab your journal, get comfy and open your heart as you ponder and explore these prompts.

ONE :: What am I afraid of?

Journal prompt - What am I afraid of?

TWO :: Where does that fear come from?

Journal prompt - Where does my fear come from?

THREE :: What’s the worst that could happen? And is it really as bad as I’m imagining?

Journal prompt - What's the worst that could happen?

FOUR :: What’s the best that could happen? How can I open to receiving that best version and vision into my life now?

Journal prompt - What's the best that could happen?
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FIVE :: If I trusted that this situation was unfolding for my highest good / if the results I desire were a certainty, what would I do & what would I no longer do? How would I feel? And what action would I take from that place of certainty?

Journal prompt - If I trusted this was unfolding for my highest good, what would I do?

SIX :: What do I need to release or forgive?

Journal prompt - What do I need to release or forgive?

SEVEN :: If I fully trusted and believed in myself, what would I say/do/think/feel/believe/how would I show up?

Journal prompt - If I fully trusted in myself, how would I show up?

EIGHT :: If I knew & believed I was worthy and deserving of my desires, what would I do?

Journal prompt - If I knew I was worthy & deserving of my desires, what would I do?
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NINE :: How can I be gentle with myself right now?

Journal prompt - How can I be gentle with myself right now?

TEN ::  How can I anchor into my worth in a way that has nothing to do with the results I get from this endeavour?

Journal prompt - How can I anchor into my worth in a way that has nothing to do with achievement?

ELEVEN :: If I embodied the energy of my future self, who is kind, confident and successful in all of the ways I desire, what is the one next step I would take to move forward? What would I believe about myself? How would I speak to myself? How would I care for myself?

Journal prompt - If I let my future self lead, what would I choose & what would I do?

I hope these prompts are supportive and help you transform your fear into potent action towards your goals and dreams.

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Sarah x

P.S. If you enjoyed this post you might also enjoy these journaling prompts on setting (and living) great boundaries in your business and life.

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