Hi there! I’m Sarah Jensen.

I’m an energy healer, kinesiologist, and oracle card reader. I’m also an award-winning business + life, course creator, and the creator and former host of the multi-award nominated Rock Your Goals podcast (which is now officially retired). I bring a heartfelt blend of the practical and the esoteric (aka the “woo woo”) to help lovely beings heal their hurts and their hearts so they can enjoy their lives and feel good within themselves.

On a personal note, I’m a self-confessed dork who loves to live in her pyjamas, read books in bed, and eat metric truck loads of chocolate (official life long chocolate lover right here). I’m a curious being, a life long learner, and I have a heart geared for travel and exploration (it must be the Sagittarius in me!).

If you’re into Human Design, I’m a 6/2 Generator who buzzes like a happy bee when I’m doing things I enjoy and who definitely needs my ‘2’ line (hermit) cave time to rest, replenish and make sense of my experiences. I’m rubbish at small talk – unless we’re talking about travel – because that’s not small talk to me! 🙂 But talking with people about who they are, what lights them up, and our shared search for meaning in this wild, weird and wonderful life lights me up.

As to what I can bring to the conversation, I know a little bit about a lot of things (and quite a lot about a few things) like:

  • Energy healing and kinesiology (working with your human, your soul and your star/galactic beings across lifetimes, timelines and dimensions)
  • Honouring and understanding your own energy and working in ways that work for you (i.e. breaking free of the ‘box’ and finding your own flow)
  • Life and Business coaching
  • Intentional business including things like conscious marketing (things like loving up your existing clients, growth through organic referral, and not an ounce of push or hustle in sight)
  • Journaling
  • Podcasting
  • Hosting workshops and events
  • Money (I’m not a financial advisor but I’ve dug myself out of some shitty money realities in the past and have learned a tonne doing it)
  • Travel
  • Decluttering and living with less (a current experiment and exploration I’m undertaking)
  • House and pet sitting


Sarah Jensen - Media Features


Here’s a Selection of Places I’ve Been Featured…

I was a feature writer for The Inspired Guide Magazine

3 Tips for Rocking Your Goals for The Better Adult Project

Cultivate your Inner Knowing on Kirsty Taylor’s Find Your Hum Podcast

Live Immediately Podcast with Mike Campbell

Be The Drop Podcast for Narrative Marketing

3 Life Changing Lessons I’ve Learned from Some of the Greatest Rejects of All Time for Elephant Journal

Mind Your Own Business for Well.In.You. Magazine


Let’s Collaborate

If you’d like to interview me, hire me to speak, or collaborate on a project, I’d love to hear from you. Send me a little info about the magic you’d like to make together here.

Or you might like to explore one of the following offerings:

And if you have any questions, please feel invited to email me at sarah@sarahjensen.com.au.

Sarah x