One of the biggest things I’ve learned in my biz journey is to be successful, you have to have a success mindset.
Me, for example?
I followed all the good advice and did all the “right” things, but my business didn’t take off quite the way I dreamed.
I knew I wanted to help people.
I knew I wanted to work for myself.
And I knew I was totally committed to rocking my goals.
But I found myself stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage.
I’d traded consistency and sharing great stuff for my community with sleep ins, TV marathons and mindlessly scrolling social media.
I knew I had to change things, so I took a break, created some space and stepped back for an objective review of things.
And I asked myself this question:
“If I love what I do and I want it so much, why aren’t I showing up and doing the work?”
My answer?
I was scared of success.
It brought up a tonne of self-doubt.
Thoughts like “I don’t deserve it.”
“Who am I to do this?”
“Why would anyone want to hear what I have to share?”
And “I still don’t have it all together so how can I possibly help others.”
It was time for an attitude adjustment and a dose of self-confidence.
So I went offline for a while.
I read books, went to yoga, played with essential oils and had great conversations with people I love. I went to see my Kinesiologist, listened to music and started looking after myself again.
And in amongst all that goodness I came across Tapping, which is also known as EFT (or Emotional Freedom Technique).
It was not only quick and easy to do, but it really helped me bust through the mindset blocks and start creating the success I was craving.
So what is Tapping?
According to EFT and Tapping expert Nick Ortner it’s a combination of Acupressure and modern Psychology that balances your brain, body and energy systems all at once.
My experience with Tapping is that it’s a way of releasing stuck energy and BS beliefs that don’t serve you by tapping on different points on the body while voicing your thoughts or fears.
How do I use Tapping?
I follow an awesome guy named Brad Yates on YouTube. He shares great tapping videos (most of them under 10 minutes) on lots of different fears, beliefs and other mindset things us humans get stuck on.
Brad has over 88,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel and he’s shared hundreds of free videos to help people enjoy the awesome benefits of Tapping.
And he’s recorded a quick introductory video where he talks about what tapping is and walks you through exactly how to do it.
Tapping Works
I’ve been happily tapping on and off for about a year now and it has absolutely worked for me.
It’s become a quick, easy and fun part of my self-care tool kit.
I now visit Brad’s YouTube channel most days and I can always find a video that supports how I’m feeling or what I need.
I like to either scroll or search for a video that helps me tap through an issue, block or fear I’m having. Or I’ll choose a video to help me boost my self-belief, productivity and success and bring even more good vibes into my day and my biz.
5 Tapping Videos to Boost Your Business
I’ve put together 5 of my favourite Brad Yates tapping videos to help you attract (and allow) success and loads of awesome into your business.
Happy tapping!
Client Magnet
Money Magnet
Feel That You Have It
Allowing Great Things
Permission to be Successful
What’s your favourite way to boost your confidence and rock a success mindset?
P.S. Want more great mindset tips to boost your biz? Listen to this conversation I had with Chloe Wigan on Rock Your Goals the Podcast.