Hi gorgeous soul,
I hope you’re well. It’s been a BIG week for me (and for many people I’ve spoken with) – lots of feeling super exhausted and extra hermit-y. (I retreated to the comfort of my couch for a couple of days, watched endless episodes of Sex and the City, and ate a whole lot of chocolate!). How did you fare over the past week or two?
The fog lifted for me on Thursday and, of course, the timing was perfect (thanks Universe!) as I had a very full few days of healing sessions – both at the Kinesiology clinic and online. Not surprisingly, quite a few of the lovely souls I saw for sessions shared similar feelings and experiences.
Another big theme in healing and coaching sessions over the last week or so has been around embracing our strength and power, and also around infusing courage – particularly the courage to be our WHOLE selves. So, I was both blown away and not at all surprised when the message of ‘strength’ came through in this week’s Guidance & Goodness. Here’s the magic.
Defuse: What you’ve been told ‘Strength’ means
Right now, we’re being invited to take a fresh look at ‘strength’ and the way we dance with it in our lives. The love note from the Universe around it is this:
It’s time to let go of strength for the sake of it, of feeling like you have to keep it together, hold it together, or have it all together all the time. It’s time to know, believe and understand that strength is not only found in sacrificing yourself, in toughing it out, or in pushing on through, but that strength is also found in softness and in knowing when to surrender. Knowing that sometimes the strongest thing you can do is let it all fall apart – let yourself fall apart – and be in the sweetness and madness of the ‘middle’ before finding a new, and even more beautiful way to put the pieces of your puzzle back together again.
Explore this in your journal with these soulful prompts:
💕 What does strength mean to me?
💕 What does it look like?
💕 How does it feel?
💕 And who told me that was true?
💕 What have I been told that a strong person does?
💕 And what do I believe I have to do in order to be strong?
💕 Is my definition of ‘strong’ serving me, or is it stopping me in some way?
💕 And if I allowed myself to form a new relationship with strength, what might that look like?

Infuse: Awareness
What are you being asked to amplify your awareness of right now? What, within you, is calling for your attention? What are you not seeing? (Or are perhaps unwilling to look at?) And what if the things that are pushing your buttons and triggering your fears, are actually wonderful invitations to explore your inner landscape even more deeply and curiously?
Right now, we’re being asked to turn our awareness inwards – to what our mind, body, and energy are trying to communicate with us. What messages and magic are we being offered? And what healing would be possible if we sat in the space of our hearts, rather than allowing ourselves to be consumed by all that’s surrounding us.
And if indeed, as the saying goes, our external world is a reflection of our internal world, what within you will you choose to nurture, nourish and grow?

The Wrap Up
I hope this week’s Guidance & Goodness helps you navigate the week ahead with ease, grace, and a whole lotta heart.
If there’s anything I can do to support you, please feel invited to explore the offerings available here on the website or reach out via email.
I hope you have a wonderful week, and I’m sending lots of love and care your way.
Sarah x
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